This page shows all your projects in SpecPath®, along with a system-generated project ID, project name, project location – city, state and country, MAFSI Region, consultant associated with the project, market segment, number of items in the spec for which your brand is associated, the project’s status, bidding and awarded dates, and the date of the original upload to SpecPath®.
You may search for a specific project or group of projects in various ways:
1. By the Project Button Ribbon– To use this function, click on any of the four buttons and it will darken and the results table will return information based on the buttons descriptions:
- Primary - will show only those projects in which your brand is the primary specification.
- Alternative - will show only those projects in which your brand is the alternative specification.
- Equal – will show only those projects in which your brand is the equal specification.
- All My Projects – will show all projects in which you are specified, regardless of spec type.
2. Filters– To use these functions, drop down boxes will appear for you to choose how to filter your data:
- By Awarded State – you may choose All, Bidding, or Awarded.
- By Project Region – you may choose from any of the regions MAFSI uses.
- By Market Segment – you may choose Any, Bar/Tavern, Business & Industry, Casino/Gaming, College/University, Convenience Store, Convention Center, Corrections, Country Club, Cruise Ship, Fine Dining, Healthcare, Hotel/Motel, Military, Religious/Church, Restaurant, Schools (K-12), Sports Venue, Supermarket, or Venue.
- By Dates – To access the date filter, click on the edit button and a hidden box appears allowing you to search by upload date, estimated bidding date, or awarded date.
To use these filters simply check the from and to box and click in the date field and a calendar will appear for you to choose the date range of your choice. Once your selection is made, the By Dates input ribbon will populate and you can click the “Apply” button and your table will populate with the data you chose. To unchoose the date filters simply click “Reset” and your previous choices will disappear.
3. By Keyword – to use this function, simply type in a keyword that is contained in your table click “Search” and the table will return the results containing your keyword.
4. By the Alphanumeric selectors – to use this function, simply click on the Letter or Number of your choice and the table will populate with all Projects starting with that letter or number.
5. Navigating the Projects Table - To navigate the results table, you can use the scroll bar on the right side of the table or the paginator located at the bottom of the webpage. You may also sort the table using the up and down arrows located on many of the columns. The only column that is not sortable is “Region” due to system design. Clicking on the project name in the Projects table will hyperlink you to the My Project details page where you can see more in depth information about that specific project.
TIP: Be sure to click on the Project Links to open up the Project Details Page.
6. Export CSV Button - If you wish to work with your data in an outside software tool (Excel, Word, etc.) or print the table information, you can export the table that is displayed based on your search (or no search at all), click on the Export to CSV button, and all the information in your results table will be exported to a file that you can save.
To export your data, you can either open the file with Microsoft Excel or another program or you can save the file to your computer or laptop. The file is saved as a comma separated file (CSV) through the download function in your browser.