See all your firms’ projects, the reps in play, all the manufacturers you spec’d on the project, and the bidding & awarded dealers. All in one place, at one time.

Each line item displays a system-generated project ID, project name, project location – city, state and country, MAFSI Region, consultant, market segment, number of items in the spec, the prime, alternate and equal items, the project’s status, bidding and awarded dates, and the date of the original upload to SpecPath®.

You may search for a specific project or group of projects in various ways:

1. To see only your favorite projects click “SHOW ONLY FAVORITES.” (See how to favorite a project in #8)

2. Search for projects by keyword – to use this function, simply type in a keyword that is contained in your table, click “SEARCH”, and the table will return the results containing your keyword.

3. Click to RESET all sorting options.

4. Sort projects by alpha numeric character - to use this function, simply click on the letter or number of your choice and the table will populate with all projects starting with that letter or number.

5. Click CHANGE FILTERS to filter your projects (see below for instructions on using filters.) Click CLEAR ALL FILTERS to see all projects, and remove any filters.

6. To sort by upload date, estimated bid date, or awarded date, choose an item from the dropdown menu, input your dates accordingly, and click APPLY.

7. To sort by a column header, (PROJECT NAME, LOCATION, CONSULTANT, etc.) simply click the arrows at the top of the column.

8. To favorite an item, simply click the star next to the project. When it is a solid blue, it has been favorited. To remove, simply click again.

9. This is a count of the primary, alternate, equal and total items in the spec.

10. If you know the estimated bid date of the project, you may input that here by pressing “ADD.”

11. You will notice under the DEALERS column, there is a complete list of bidding dealers for each project. To add a dealer, simply click ADD. (see below instructions for adding a dealer.) If you’re certain a dealer has been awarded the project, click AWARD. A confirmation screen will appear, and you will need to press AWARD again. To cancel, click CANCEL. After confirmation, you will need to contact the SpecPath help desk for any changes to an awarded dealer.

12. For additional sorting, - to work with your data in an outside software tool (Excel, etc.) or print the table information, you can export the table that is displayed based on your search (or no search at all), click on the Export to CSV button, and all the information in your results table will be exported to a file that you can save. You may also export the data to PDF by clicking “Export to PDF.” To export your data, you can either open the file with Microsoft Excel or another program or you can save the file to your computer or laptop. The file is saved as a comma separated file (CSV) through the download function in your browser.

TIP: Be sure to click on the Project Links to open the Project Details Page. 

My Projects Detail

When clicking on an individual project link from the My Projects screen, you will be taken to this screen – My Project Detail. This screen gives you specific information relevant to your chosen project.

1. A summary table of relevant project information. (More on Project Summary below.)

2. Dealers that are actively bidding, or have been awarded the project.

3. If they project has been awarded, you will see this trophy icon.

4. If they project has not been awarded, and you would like to add a bidding dealer to an existing project, click ADD MY DEALER.

5. Search for a specific brand in the project by entering a brand name.

6. To see a detailed spec, or automated “take-off” of the project click “VIEW DETAILED SPEC.” This will give you an itemized list of the items in the project.

7. You may sort by any column header with an up and down arrow. For instance, to sort by MODEL #, click the up and down arrows in the MODEL # column.

8. To reset any sorting options, click RESET.

9. For additional sorting, simply click export to CSV on the right-hand side, and a comma separated values file, or CSV, will download into your browser. Simply open the file in a data management program like Excel, and you can manipulate the data however you like. You may also export to PDF.

Project Summary Section

The Summary section includes information about the project including the Project ID, Project Location, Project Region, Market Segment, Consultant, Consultant Region, Consultant SIS#, Estimated Bid Date, Awarded Date, and Upload Date.