Upload your specs directly into the program. The reps for every brand in your spec will have visibility into your project. No more waiting for it to come from a dealer. And it’s entirely secure. Reps will only be able to see the individual brands they represent, and manufacturers will only see their own makes and models.
To begin the uploading of an 11 40 00 PDF, click on UPLOAD SPECIFICATIONS in the left hand navigation pane.
SpecPath®can accept most formats including Equipment Schedules
from drawings but, cannot accept military specs.
1.To begin a PDF upload, please click CHOOSE FILE and navigate to the 11 40 00 PDF on your hard drive (cannot be a MILITARY SPEC). If you uploaded the wrong file, please hit the blue X on the incorrect file named and click 1. CHOOSE FILE again
2. Click LOAD FILE. After the file has been loaded you will be able to fill in the project details below. IMPORTANT: The project is not saved to SpecPath® until the project details have been entered below.
COMPLETE THE PROJECT DETAILS - Once you’ve selected and loaded the correct file, you will need to quickly input the project details.
Project Name: Type the full project name, as it appears on the 11 40 00 (i.e. Mission Hills Elementary School)
Project State and City: Type the State and City for the LOCATION of the project in this format: TX (space) Dallas. No Commas. A drop-down box will appear to select the state and city you have chosen. Select that state and city and SpecPath® will populate the field with the chosen information.
Country, Project State and Project Region will autofill.
Market Segment: Please select from the dropdown of segments.
Estimated Bidding Date (if known): Click in the box and a calendar will appear for you to select the date the bid is due. If you don’t know the date, leave this field blank. If you learn the date in the future, you may add it to the project on the My Project Screen. Once a bidding date is input, the only way to delete or change the date is to contact the SpecPath® help desk to delete or change it.
CONSULTANT DETAILS - You firm will autofill if you only have one office. If you have branch offices, like the state and city field from the project details, the system will generate a dropdown list and you will need to choose which branch office wrote the spec.
Consultant: Your firm will autofill if you have one office. If you have Branch Offices, please choose from the office from the dropdown menu, and make sure your region matches the office that wrote the spec.
Need to add a new branch for your firm? Please click the orange “here” to input their information. SpecPath will add them to your project for you.
DEALER DETAILS - Lastly, if you already know one of the bidding dealers for your project, you can add that here.
Dealer: It is not required, but if you would like to add a Dealer to the project, please begin typing the Dealer Name for a list to choose from. If you do not want to add a Dealer to the project, you can click 3. SAVE FILE without adding a Dealer.
If you know a dealer that is bidding on the project, begin typing the company name of the dealership, for a list of dealers to select from. Select your desired dealer. If you choose the wrong dealer, you can click on the” X” and choose a new dealer(s). You can add multiple dealers from your region if more than one has asked you to bid on the same project.
Don’t have a Dealer on the Project? You can click 3. Save File without adding a dealer.
3. Click the “SAVE FILE” button.
Once a member of our team has had time to review the spec for accuracy, it will appear in your My Projects page. This typically takes no more than 24 hours, and we’re getting faster every day.
Please repeat the process for all 11 40 00 PDF’s you have drafted.