To contact a SpecPath administrator, you may either click the contact us tab at the bottom of the webpage or you may click the Help Desk Widget on any webpage and it will open a helpdesk ticket where you can communicate with an administrator.

This pop up appears on every page in SpecPath® in the bottom right corner of the page.  You may click on it to access the help desk for assistance. You can ask a question, report a problem, or suggest an improvement.  A pop up will then appear for you to complete and a ticket will be generated in our help desk for an administrator to assist you. 


The first screen you see will have the Help Articles.

Please click on the Contact Support button to send us a message.

In the boxes, please complete the following:

  1. Message Subject – Type a short explanation of your need
  2. Choose a category from the drop down box to direct your ticket to the proper response team.  The choices are a) Question b) Suggestion c) Problem.
  3. Message Box - Type the reason for your request for assistance in the message box.
  4. Attach a file or screen shot to help explain your issue if you choose.
  5. Fill in your Name and E-mail.
  6. Click send and help will be on its way!